As we embrace our emergence into a new time and energy on earth, there is a deep calling from within that urges us to step more intentionally into a fuller expression of ourselves and our role in service to one another and to a planet in need. The unique form our inner call takes varies greatly, but the premise remains the same.
It is my greatest honor to offer spiritual teachings and embodied consciousness practices through Individual Sessions, Corporate Consulting, Speaking Engagements, Healing Retreats and Classes in order to further awaken hearts everywhere, moving us ever closer to greater health and vitality on all levels of Being.
My heart-centered spiritual teachings offer opportunities to dive deeply into consciousness-based practices as we explore a new paradigm of spiritual awakening. Classes, retreats, speaking engagements and community events are available regularly in Olympia, WA and Los Angeles, CA and by request world-wide.
Individual sessions include a unique blend of Energy Work, Spiritual Companioning, Medical Intuitive Work and/or Intuitive Counseling. Regardless of what form our time together takes, we are always moving toward expanded awareness, heart-centered presence, embodiment, personal empowerment, relationship to Self, clarity and well-being. MORE…
Through the precision of intuitive insights we receive, I tailor information that is of meaningful support for groups, businesses and organizations. Woven within my consultations are insights on marketing, employee retention, sustainable integrity practices, refinements in communication and guidance on product development. MORE…